Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Money Saving Idea #1: Stop Buying Cigarettes

I don't know about your local prices, but in my "neck of the woods" cigarettes are a huge expense for many local families. I know my family alone was wasting over $360 per month on our smoking habit! Cutting back, quitting or finding an alternative to cigarettes can save the average American Family HEAPS of money. Let's break it down: A pack of cigarettes is on average, $5 per pack. If you smoke one pack per day, you will smoke over $150 PER MONTH!! Chances are if you're smoking, you're spouse smokes too, so double it. Now you're burning up $300 per month! So cutting this out will pretty much buy you a new car. If you can't quit or at least cut back, let me shamelessly plug my other blog: All the Best Electronic Cigarettes and Reviews Here you can learn about the electronic cigarette, it's ups and downs, and how it can save you hundreds of dollars every month as a smoking alternative! My wife and I use one and instead of $360 per month, our nicotine now costs us about $15 per month.... for both of us, not each!
So, look into quitting cigarettes or finding an alternative and you can save a ton each month.

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